第2章 Talking Before the Sea(1 / 2)


“ake ld an,”te by sad and t s and n ne f te ld an''s knees

Te ld an ened s eyes and f a ent e as cng back f a lng ay aayTen e sled

“at ave y gt?”e asked

“Se,”sad te by“ e''e gng t ave se”

“'' nt vey ngy”

“Ce n and eatY can''t fs and nt eat”

“ ave,”te ld an sad gettng and takng te nesae and fldng tTen e stated t fld te blanket“Kee te blanket and y,”te by sadY''ll nt fs tt eatng le '' alve

“Ten lve a lng te and take cae f yself,”te ld an sad“ at ae e eatng?”

“Black beans and ce,fed bananas,and se ste”

Te by ad bgt te n a t-decke etal cntane f te TeaceTe t sets f knves and fks and sns ee n s cket t a ae-nakn aed and eac set

“ gave ts t y?”

“atnTe ne”

“ st tank ”

“ tanked aleady,”te by sad“Y dn''t need t tank ”

“''ll gve te belly eat f a bg fs,”te ld an sad“ as e dne ts f s e tan nce?”

“ tnk s”

“ st gve setng e tan te belly eat tene s vey tgtfl f s”

“e sent t bees”

“ lke te bee n cans best”

“ knBt ts s n bttles,atey bee,and take back te bttles”

“Tat''s vey knd f y,”te ld an sad“Sld e eat?”

“''ve been askng y t,”te by tld gently“ ave nt sed t en te cntane ntl y ee eady”“'' eady n,”te ld an sad“ nly needed te t as”

ee dd y as?Te by tgtTe vllage ate sly as t steets dn te ad st ave ate ee f ,te by tgt,and sa and a gd tely a s tgtless? st get ante st and a jacket f te nte and se st f ses and ante blanket

“Y ste s excellent,”te ld an sad

“Tell e abt te baseball,”Te by asked

“n te Aecan Leage t s te Yankees as sad,”te ld an sad aly

“Tey lst tday,”te by tld

“Tat eans ntngTe geat Dagg s self agan”

“Tey ave te en n te tea”

“NatallyBt e akes te dffeencen te te leage, beteen Bklyn and ladela st take BklynBt ten tnk f Dck Ssle and tse geat dves n te ld ak”

“Tee as ntng eve lke tee ts te lngest ball ave eve seen”

“D y eebe en e sed t ce t te Teace? anted t take fsng bt as t td t ask Ten asked y t ask and y ee t td”

“ knt as a geat stakee gt ave gne t sTen e ld ave tat f all f lves”

“ ld lke t take te geat Dagg fsng,”te ld an sad“ Tey say s fate as a fseanaybe e as as as e ae and ld ndestand”

“Te geat Ssle''s fate as neve and e,te fate,as layng n te bg leages en e as y age”

“en as y age as befe te ast n a sqae gged s tat an t Afca and ave seen lns n te beaces n te evenng”

“ knY tld e”

“Sld e talk abt Afca abt baseball?”

“Baseball tnk,”te by sad“ Tell e abt te geat Jn JcGa”e sad Jta f J

“e sed t ce t te Teace setes t n te lde daysBt e as g and as-sken and dffclt en e as dnkngs nd as n ses as ell as baseballAt least e caed lsts f ses at all tes n s cket and feqently ske te naes f ses n te telene”


